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Alicia Renee Sheppard's Blog

A Christian Response to Pain & Injustice

by Alicia Renee on 07/13/16

Here are a few words I shared in a post on my personal Facebook page last week:

This post is for my fellow Christ-followers. I'm trying to help a few of you. In fact, I needed this help myself--the help of balance.

Prayer is a spiritual principle.
Eternity is a spiritual principle.
Discerning the times is a spiritual principle. 
(And people's attempts to criticize these things as forms of inaction does not sway me. I have Spirit-led priorities, and I understand the concept of "both/and" not just "either/or." I'm not going to allow movements to cause me to devalue the most important things, just for the sake of people-pleasing and appearing more conscious.)


Mourn with those who mourn is also a spiritual principle.
Vengeance is the Lord's is a spiritual principle.
Faith without works is dead is a spiritual principle.
On earth as it is in heaven is a spiritual principle.
A false balance is detestable (a reference to injustice) is a spiritual principle.

So if you do nothing else on the earthly side of things...(because our roles are all different) can at least mourn with us.

Christ's highest pursuit was the kingdom of God and should remain ours as well. In fact, it's the only true solution, I believe. BUT, also remember, "[Christ is not] a high priest who cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities," (Heb 4:15). We must factor this in if we're trying to navigate these waters like Jesus Christ did. And we must not send the false message that Christ doesn't care.