Pray for Dallas : Alicia Renee Sheppard's Blog
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Pray for Dallas

by Alicia Renee on 07/13/16

Here are a few words I shared via a post last week on my personal Facebook page:

Micah Johnson's act of murder yesterday was equally as despicable as the murders he was upset about. Racial hate exists in places on all sides. Those police officers he killed had done nothing to deserve that.

Honestly, I believe these times are creating pressure. And what does pressure do? It shows you what's already inside of you. It draws it out. If hate is inside of you, it will show up in times like ours. If love is inside you, it will show up in times like ours. Same goes for pride, fear, apathy, compassion, etc. Hate was already inside of Micah--I believe recent events created pressure, but are not to blame.

So pay attention to what's coming out of you in this season, and by all means, make mid-course corrections if you need to. Seeing a negative trait in ourselves can simply be our indication that it's time to learn or grow.

But we must not be guilty of favoritism or partiality. Make sure that's not one of the things that's "showing up." We must not only be upset when a police officer is killed, and we must not only be upset when a black person is killed. The problems are not the same for all people, but wrong is wrong, across the board.

PS: I pray comfort for everyone who's just tired after this week. Please care while also taking care of yourselves...

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